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How to magnify or increase the text size on your computer screen

When it comes to changing the text size on a computer screen, there are two options to select from; first one is to use windows magnifying tool (it comes preinstalled on your computer), the second is to change the text size of your computer.
Whereas the first one is temporary, the second one is not.

-To temporarily magnify your computer screen, Search for run, launch it, now input magnify in the space provided and hit enter to launch windows magnifying tool. (Another way to launch the magnifier tool is by searching for magnify). When the magnifier tool appears on your screen, click on it and tap the + sign to enlarge your screen text.
To use it, navigate your pointer to the specific area you are finding difficult to read. 

When you are done using the magnifier tool and want to revert back to your normal text size, click on the magnifier tool again and then tap on the – sign to make your text go back to its normal size, or just close it.

This can come in handy when you are reading a pdf file or surfing the net and you encounter a page that has a small text size.

- Another more permanent/lasting method of increasing your test size is by changing your text size display settings. To do this, Go to Control panel > Display and choose the option MEDIUM, now all you have to do is apply your new settings and log off. to save the settings.

If the medium text size is still not large enough for you, you can go ahead and create your own custom text size by going to control panel > display and choosing set custom text size (DPI) and select a percentage from the list of custom sizes provided.

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